
What Should Athletes Eat Before a Game?

What Should Athletes Eat Before a Game?

Whether you’re a full-time athlete competing and training constantly, or a young contestant trying to get into a good routine, eating right is vital for your success. Nutrition is a full-time gig for all athletes, as it can make or break your game, race, or competition. 

But it doesn’t have to be a hassle, either. Here’s an easy breakdown of what athletes should eat before a game, when they should eat, and what to do after the event is over.

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Easy At-Home Frozen Smoothie Popsicle Recipes

Easy At-Home Frozen Smoothie Popsicle Recipes
Summer is coming up soon, and we couldn’t be more excited for the warmer weather and sunny days. While it’s easier to be more active in the summer months, eating healthier can be a challenge. There are just so many sweet treats to indulge in! But what if something could be sweet and healthy? Something like…smoothie popsicles.

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6 Ways to Exercise In the Fall

6 Ways to Exercise In the Fall

What’s your favorite thing about fall? The crisp air? The eye-popping foliage? Pumpkin spice? There are so many reasons to love this season, but it’s not without its imperfections. The busy back-to-school aura, the tempting amount of baked goods, and the chilling, unpredictable weather can make it hard to prioritize eating well and staying disciplined in your exercise routine. 

Fortunately, there are several ways to transform your favorite autumn activities into impactful exercises. Give some of these exercises a try, and don’t forget to bring some portable protein snacks with you as a reward for your hard work!


Don’t overlook the power of walking! It’s one of the best exercises for maintaining weight and a great source of cardio. It’s also super easy to add into your routine. Instead of driving to the store for cider, walk. Stroll around a nearby park on your lunch break. Or you can plan fun outings like apple picking or pumpkin scouting to get your steps in. You can easily rack up 10,000 steps in an afternoon of frolicking around an orchard.


If you’re looking for something a bit more fast-paced than walking, running is a great alternative. Running outside in the fall is not only beautiful as you watch the leaves fall, but more refreshing than running in the summer. If you want an extra challenge, try running with a dog, or get a group of friends to go with you. There are also many charities that do 5k or 10k races in support of great causes. Opt in for a family turkey trot as a way to set an effective training goal. Sometimes all it takes is a good motive to get you up and running!


This is by far one of the best fall activities, because most hikes involve lots of forest foliage. You get instant gratification for your hard work because you can immediately see the beauty of nature around you. And if you hike a trail with a view, like a lookout or a waterfall, it makes the exercise so much more rewarding. Plus, it's easy to take a backpack filled with healthy snacks and drinks with you to munch on along the way. 


Biking is a fantastic low-impact form of exercise that can get you places much more quickly. If you have injuries that make exercising difficult, or just don’t feel ready to take on running or hiking yet, definitely give biking a try. An hour of biking can burn anywhere from 300 to 600 calories, and the fresh fall wind on your face as you speed along will give you a great adrenaline rush. Check out paved bike paths in your community, or even some biking trails for some leaf peeping as you bike!

Group Sports

Exercise is way more fun when you’re with other people. The cool, crisp air makes playing sports like kickball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and other activities much more bearable. There could be groups near you already that meet up to play regularly, or you can grab some friends for a spontaneous match at your local field or park to play. So long as you’re moving and having fun, you won’t even feel like you’re getting a killer workout. 

Group Classes

If the weather is not cooperating or you are looking for some more accountability, check out your local gym or fitness center for some classes. They come in all kinds of varieties, from HIIT workouts to pilates to yoga to barre to even biking. Some even offer deals to new clients or have childcare for young children so you don’t have to find a babysitter. 

Vegan Fueled Smoothies to Go

As you exercise this fall, don’t forget to bring along some Fuel For Fire smoothies. They’re the perfect snack to eat before, during, or after a workout. Since they don’t require refrigeration and are small in size, you can take them anywhere. That includes hikes, pumpkin patches, trail runs, and even workout classes. Order some today to try! 

3 Lunch Recipes You Won't Feel Guilty Eating

3 Lunch Recipes You Won't Feel Guilty Eating

Your stomach’s growling. Your brain is sending you all sorts of images of your favorite cravings: desserts, junk food, takeout…all the things you know you shouldn’t be eating. You need something to fill you up, but you don’t want to regret it afterward—neither physically nor mentally. But all those healthy recipes you know sound so…unappetizing. 

At Fuel For Fire, we believe you shouldn’t have to sacrifice taste for nutrition. We’ve curated a few of our favorite guilt-free lunch ideas to help you get a healthy meal:

Salad with Farro, Lentil, Goat’s Cheese, and Avocado Dressing

People who think salads are boring and tasteless just haven’t found the right combo. There are a million ways to spruce up salads. It’s really all about the texture. Try adding some protein to make it more filling. You can add meat like chicken and some goat’s cheese. Or for a dairy-free, plant-based option, you could use lentils and farro. 

Nuts are another great option for some healthy fat. And don’t forget about the dressing—it’s what literally holds everything together! Avocado dressing is not only delicious but full of healthy fats. Now you have a yummy, filling salad that won’t taste even remotely boring in your mouth.

Cauliflower “Fried Rice” 

Craving some chicken or egg-fried rice? It’s one of the classic, easy-to-make lunch recipies that everyone loves. Unfortunately, restaurant versions are often too high in carbs and unhealthy fats. But it’s easy to make a low-carb, healthy lunch version of this meal. Swap the rice for cauliflower “rice.” It tastes almost the same, and is faster to cook! 

For protein, you can add ham, egg, or chicken like normal, or swap it out for some tofu and edamame to make it plant-based. And don’t forget to add veggies! These will fill you up instead of the rice you’re used to. Our favorite mix-ins are mushrooms, onions, squash, and broccoli.

Spelt Pasta with Broccoli and Walnuts

Who doesn't love pasta? If only it wasn’t so refined or ultra-processed, loading on the carbs and deriving you of the nutrients you need. Fortunately, there are several easy swaps available for you to try that taste incredibly similar to regular pasta. Spelt is one of our favorites, but there are also red and yellow lentil pastas, brown rice, and other gluten-free options. 

Like salads, good pasta is all about texture. Add in those veggies so you don’t overdo it on the carbs in the pasta, like broccoli. Nuts are surprisingly a great option too—walnuts are one of our favorites for a crunchy, sweet addition to a savory meal. And you can saute it all in olive oil for some extra flavor and healthy fat!

Plant-Based Protein Smoothies

Although usually seen as a breakfast food, protein smoothies are great for any healthy meal, including lunch! There are a million and one ways to make them with all sorts of ingredients. We recommend starting with a base of fruits or vegetables. Fruits are some of the healthiest, most fulfilling carbs on the market, and contain natural sugars to satisfy your cravings. Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are some of our favorites. For our vegan and vegetarian friends, plant-based protein smoothies are some of the easiest vegan recipes to make. 

It’s also easy to add protein to your smoothies. You can add some scoops of protein powder which will easily blend in, or you can chop up some nuts or seeds for some added texture. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are another great source of protein to use in smoothies.   

Healthy Smoothies to Go

Ready to chow down on some delicious, fulfilling recipes without feeling any guilt after? Fuel For Fire’s protein smoothies are delicious and nutritious. They’re a great ingredient to add more flavor and protein to your healthy lunches. Made of real fruit and contain 10 grams of protein along with all 9 essential amino acids, you’ll be tasting only goodness and no guilt with these smoothies. Try some today!

Top 10 Foods for Losing Weight

Top 10 Foods for Losing Weight

It seems like almost everyone alive would like to lose a little weight. Unfortunately, our society is permeated with toxic diet culture myths and bio-engineered “weight loss” shakes and powders that often do more harm than help with weight loss. Eating less than your body needs causes your body to break down its own muscle and organ tissues for fuel instead of burning fat. The less lean tissue mass you have, the slower your metabolic rate, which actually prevents weight loss.

Believe it or not, there are actually many healthy foods that can actively help you lose weight while you eat them! Here are our top ten foods for losing weight:

Whole Eggs

Eggs are one of the best weight loss foods on the market. They’re one of the most nutrient-dense foods to exist. They have almost every essential vitamin, plus minerals, low carbs, and high amounts of protein. And you can make them in a dozen (pun intended) ways to satisfy your cravings, or as ingredients in recipes or baked goods.


Virtually every single kind of fruit is a healthy snack alternative. They have natural sugar to satisfy any sweet teeth you may have—a perfect swap for dessert. Loaded with micro-nutrients and healthy carbs, their healthy fiber keeps your blood sugar levels low. High in antioxidants, vitamins, and more, they’re the best ingredients for a healthy fruit smoothie.


There are many kinds of vegetables, but all of them are healthy foods for weight loss. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage are high in fiber. These veggies help with digestive issues, but also have vitamins that build up your system. On the other side, dark green leafy vegetables contain some protein and can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And they’re often low in calories and carbs, meaning you can add tons to your meal to fill you up without messing with your weight loss plan.

Lean Meat

While this may not be on the list of any vegans or vegetarians, lean meats like chicken breast, turkey, and grass-fed lean beef are all high in protein. Some of these meats can contain up to 26 grams of protein per serving! Protein is a key component of weight loss, as it builds muscle up in the place of fat, keeps you full, and stabilizes your blood sugar. There are an incredible amount of ways to cook, bake, fry, or prepare lean meats. Just make sure you cook your meat properly before you eat it.

Beans and Legumes

If you are a vegan or vegetarian or looking for some plant-based alternatives that are also high in protein, beans, and legumes are your best bet. Lentils, black beans, kidney beans, lupini beans, and others have a good amount of protein and lots of fiber. Beans especially are high in prebiotic fiber, which helps diversify your gut microbiome. A healthier gut helps remove fat stored around the waist and helps you lose weight. 

Fish: Tuna, Salmon, Shrimp

Fish is another one of the best weight loss foods. Besides being high in protein, fish like tuna, salmon, and shrimp are full of healthy fats. Yes, you do need to eat fats to lose weight—just the right kind, which these fish have. One such fat is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a form of omega-3 fatty acid. Healthy fats reduce inflammation which helps with obesity, metabolic diseases, and iodine supply.  

Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt

Dairy products are another tasty way to boost your protein intake. While not advisable for people who are allergic to dairy, cottage cheese and greek yogurt are lower in lactose and may even come in lactose-free options. They’re naturally high in protein, and in calcium-—great for building muscle and bones. If you don’t like eating them plain, they’re an easy substitute for a lot of recipes as a way to add protein to your favorite meal. 


Did you know avocados are technically a fruit? This is one health craze that’s actually turned out to be true. Avocados are high in healthy fats, like the monosaturated oleic acid found in olive oil. They also have a lot of water and fiber. They’re the perfect addition to make a plain salad that much tastier and more satisfying. 

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts are one of the best healthy snacks by far. Full of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and other nutrients, they’re also long-lasting. You can easily slip a bag into a backpack for a hike or post-work snack. Nuts can even improve metabolic health, and heart health, to help you lose weight. Just remember to only eat until the point of satiety—meaning, only eat until you feel satisfied. 

Whole Grains

Carbs are not the enemy of weight loss foods. In fact, your body needs them for energy and to keep your metabolism growing. The key is just which carbs, and how much of each. Unprocessed carbs like oats, brown rice, and quinoa are the best, each with good amounts of protein, beta-glucan fibers, nutrients, and resistant starches. Even white rice and refined carbs are fine, as long as you eat them in moderation. 

Healthy Smoothies to Go

If you’re looking for easy, healthy foods for losing weight, look no further than our Fuel For Fire smoothies. With ten grams of protein, they’re made of real fruit, so you get all the healthy benefits of those healthy foods. You can take them with you everywhere, making them the perfect healthy snack. Order some of our healthy smoothies today to try!