It seems like almost everyone alive would like to lose a little weight. Unfortunately, our society is permeated with toxic diet culture myths and bio-engineered “weight loss” shakes and powders that often do more harm than help with weight loss. Eating less than your body needs causes your body to break down its own muscle and organ tissues for fuel instead of burning fat. The less lean tissue mass you have, the slower your metabolic rate, which actually prevents weight loss.
Believe it or not, there are actually many healthy foods that can actively help you lose weight while you eat them! Here are our top ten foods for losing weight:
Whole Eggs
Eggs are one of the best weight loss foods on the market. They’re one of the most nutrient-dense foods to exist. They have almost every essential vitamin, plus minerals, low carbs, and high amounts of protein. And you can make them in a dozen (pun intended) ways to satisfy your cravings, or as ingredients in recipes or baked goods.
Virtually every single kind of fruit is a healthy snack alternative. They have natural sugar to satisfy any sweet teeth you may have—a perfect swap for dessert. Loaded with micro-nutrients and healthy carbs, their healthy fiber keeps your blood sugar levels low. High in antioxidants, vitamins, and more, they’re the best ingredients for a healthy fruit smoothie.
There are many kinds of vegetables, but all of them are healthy foods for weight loss. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage are high in fiber. These veggies help with digestive issues, but also have vitamins that build up your system. On the other side, dark green leafy vegetables contain some protein and can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And they’re often low in calories and carbs, meaning you can add tons to your meal to fill you up without messing with your weight loss plan.
Lean Meat
While this may not be on the list of any vegans or vegetarians, lean meats like chicken breast, turkey, and grass-fed lean beef are all high in protein. Some of these meats can contain up to 26 grams of protein per serving! Protein is a key component of weight loss, as it builds muscle up in the place of fat, keeps you full, and stabilizes your blood sugar. There are an incredible amount of ways to cook, bake, fry, or prepare lean meats. Just make sure you cook your meat properly before you eat it.
Beans and Legumes
If you are a vegan or vegetarian or looking for some plant-based alternatives that are also high in protein, beans, and legumes are your best bet. Lentils, black beans, kidney beans, lupini beans, and others have a good amount of protein and lots of fiber. Beans especially are high in prebiotic fiber, which helps diversify your gut microbiome. A healthier gut helps remove fat stored around the waist and helps you lose weight.
Fish: Tuna, Salmon, Shrimp
Fish is another one of the best weight loss foods. Besides being high in protein, fish like tuna, salmon, and shrimp are full of healthy fats. Yes, you do need to eat fats to lose weight—just the right kind, which these fish have. One such fat is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a form of omega-3 fatty acid. Healthy fats reduce inflammation which helps with obesity, metabolic diseases, and iodine supply.
Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt
Dairy products are another tasty way to boost your protein intake. While not advisable for people who are allergic to dairy, cottage cheese and greek yogurt are lower in lactose and may even come in lactose-free options. They’re naturally high in protein, and in calcium-—great for building muscle and bones. If you don’t like eating them plain, they’re an easy substitute for a lot of recipes as a way to add protein to your favorite meal.
Did you know avocados are technically a fruit? This is one health craze that’s actually turned out to be true. Avocados are high in healthy fats, like the monosaturated oleic acid found in olive oil. They also have a lot of water and fiber. They’re the perfect addition to make a plain salad that much tastier and more satisfying.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts are one of the best healthy snacks by far. Full of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and other nutrients, they’re also long-lasting. You can easily slip a bag into a backpack for a hike or post-work snack. Nuts can even improve metabolic health, and heart health, to help you lose weight. Just remember to only eat until the point of satiety—meaning, only eat until you feel satisfied.
Whole Grains
Carbs are not the enemy of weight loss foods. In fact, your body needs them for energy and to keep your metabolism growing. The key is just which carbs, and how much of each. Unprocessed carbs like oats, brown rice, and quinoa are the best, each with good amounts of protein, beta-glucan fibers, nutrients, and resistant starches. Even white rice and refined carbs are fine, as long as you eat them in moderation.
Healthy Smoothies to Go
If you’re looking for easy, healthy foods for losing weight, look no further than our Fuel For Fire smoothies. With ten grams of protein, they’re made of real fruit, so you get all the healthy benefits of those healthy foods. You can take them with you everywhere, making them the perfect healthy snack. Order some of our healthy smoothies today to try!